Castle defense 2 boss spinning blue circle
Castle defense 2 boss spinning blue circle

If you are unlucky enough to not have Firefox, Chrome, or any other web browser, you may get stuck with the SBBOD a lot more often than if you use a different browser. The SBBOD can appear in many ways, all of which waste time

castle defense 2 boss spinning blue circle

Anything else can result in your computer getting mad and giving the SBBOD again. That is the only way to handle the SBBOD. When the SBBOD appears, you just have to wait for it to go away. Because it is an infinite stage, it can also be deadly, for if it occurs in Finder (the application intended to not find stuff,) the user cannot force quit because Force Quit is a feature in Finder. Stage 2 SBBODs rarely end because the user aborts the process using the Force Quit feature. Stage 2 lags can be minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, or even millenniums. Stage 2 now makes the application lag for over a minute. The second stage is a bit more of a problem than stage 1. By appearing frequently enough, it wastes more time than stages 2 or 3. It can occur t any time and can be resolved by waiting a few seconds. The SBBOD comes in three different stages:

#Castle defense 2 boss spinning blue circle mac os x

Mac OS X also added the Spinning Beach Ball Of Death for when the user moves the mouse over anything pertaining to the current application.It eventually spread to whenever the lagging application was lagging. The leap up to the dream of wasting the user's life was starting to pull through. This made Mac OS X a lot slower and was a placeholder for Steve Job s dream. The Spinning Pinwheel was the next stage seen in early versions of Mac OSX. The computer pretends to be busy, but nothing actually happens.

castle defense 2 boss spinning blue circle

This was also known as the Watch Of Fate (WOF.) The WOF told the user how much time would be wasted on nothing. The hands on the watch tell the user how much time the user will waste. The first stage was a watch icon that stared the user in the face. The idea went through many stages, but eventually, Mac OS added it to the feature list. The idea was that the user would have to force quit the current application. This inspired him to make his computer include the SBBOD. Steve Jobs had a dream about a spinning beach ball that would not stop spinning or let him do anything.

  • 5 Spinning Blue Circle Of Death/Hourglass Of Death.
  • 4.4 Trying to do something in less than five minutes.

  • Castle defense 2 boss spinning blue circle